Monday, February 25, 2013

I'd Probably Trip Up the Stairs Too

I already bragged about it on Facebook, but since the Oscars were tonight and since this blog is supposed to be Career Oriented and I'm supposed to Blog About Happenings In My Field, I figure I should blog about the Oscars. I'm in a really really really cool film class this semester. I got lucky and I happened upon a spot in this amazing class and every Thursday I look forward to spending 7:00pm-11:00pm in a theatre. Each week we get to see a film and have a q&a with someone who worked on the film. These films may or may not have been released yet, but as the professor is the famous movie critic Leonard Maltin, the films and the speakers are usually pretty freaking good. We have only had six classes and we've seen four of this years Oscar nominated films and had q&a's with their directors. Only one of them won this year, but I'm still in awe at this statistic. FOUR. OSCAR. NOMINEES. Every day, every week, every month, every semester, I find new reasons to love my school more than I already do.

Alright so in my class we had the privilege to see and hear from
Paperman - WON for Short Film, Animated - director John Kahrs
The Gatekeepers - Nominated for Documentary Feature - director Dror Moreh
A Royal Affair - Nominated for Foreign Language Film - director Nikolaj Arcel
Beasts of the Southern Wild - Nominated for Best Picture, Directing, Writing- Adapted Screenplay, and Actress in a Leading Role - director Benh Zeitlin

I'm not going to discuss these in detail, but I am just so privileged to be in such a wonderful world of film. In terms of the award ceremony, I LOVED Seth MacFarlane as a host, I absolutely adored the musical tributes, I'm so glad Jennifer Lawrence won Best Actress, I'm very glad I watched Argo last night instead of Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty (since it won Best Picture over the others), I'm bitter that Anna Karenina didn't win for Production Design, and I cried during Ben Affleck's speech. I think that about sums it up?

I never really care about award shows in general (unless I'm attending them) and I never really care about the Oscars. I know I should - this is the industry I want to work in, I should have watched the past years worth of Emmys, Globes, Grammys, and Oscars. But alas, I have just never really cared. This year was a bit different. I don't have a TV right now and I was so disappointed I couldn't watch Tina and Amy rock the Globes (although I did watch clips online, thanks Hulu!) and I wasn't looking forward to begging my friend to let me use her TV to watch the Oscars (thankfully she too wanted to watch them). I made a valiant effort to watch as many of the nominated films as I could (before the show I hadn't seen four, Django Unchained, Amour, Lincoln, and Zero Dark Thirty. I watched Lincoln after the show and I plan on watching the rest plus The Master and The Impossible) whereas last year I hadn't seen ANY of the nominees. It's important. And I know it's important and I've always known it's important but I've just never really cared.

If I could join the ranks of Oscar nominees, Oscar attendees, or even Oscar-appreciated deaths in my future, I would be so unbelievably grateful. It's time to start caring.

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