Friday, June 14, 2013

Onward and Upward

I am in love with my internship. I am head over heels, over the moon, walking on sunshine, etc at this place. As my third day slowly comes to a close, I figured it would be a good idea to blog about my first three days working for DISNEY.

Although I wasn't specific in my last post, I mentioned that I had an interview for a really, really, really big company. Well, that company happened to be Disney and I happened to get the internship. I was shocked (and honestly I still kind of am) when I recieved the offer and I still haven't gotten over it. I'm working as a casting intern in Disney's television animation department. And so far, it's been absolutely amazing. Comparing it to the internship I had all last semester, it honestly disgusts me how bad of a program they had. I have learned more in my three days here about casting and animation than I learned about talent management in the FOUR MONTHS I interned at the-company-that-must-not-be-named. But no matter, for I have moved onward and upward!

On my first day I seemingly had an endless amount of technological issues - my keycard wasn't allowing me access anywhere, my voicemail wasn't working, the website wasn't allowing me to enter my time, etc. It was frustrating, but not enough to bring me down even a pinch. After lunch I had the privilege to sit in on a recording session and watch Mickey Mouse himself act out lines. It was surreal. I also helped out with scheduling for Comic Con and just got a general feel for the office and how it's run.

My second day was a bit busier - in the morning I sat in on auditions for a new show and it was great. I loved seeing how different actors interpreted the lines and direction and I loved being able to close my eyes and imagine a tiny animated boy speaking the words I was hearing. Throughout the day I helped out with some more Comic Con preparation (there is SO much you have to think about when planning for events like that it's crazy). One of the coolest things though was sitting in on a Phineas and Ferb record - I got to meet the co-creators of the show and watch the guy who plays Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Dan Povenmire) flawlessly deliver his lines. It was crazy and awesome, especially because I LOVE Phineas and Ferb.

Today has been the slowest of the three because a few of my bosses are out today - I helped with some organizational stuff and I prepped sides for future auditions. For lunch though my BOSS boss offered to take me and a guy who's temping for the day out to sushi. Not only did I get a free rainbow roll, but I got to bond with my boss. He's really awesome and it seems like he wants me to learn a LOT this summer and wants to give me a lot of responsibility (which I am SO ready for). He told me and the temp that we were gonna do a mock audition today - the temp gets to be on the mic (he's really an actor, of course) and I get to DIRECT THE "AUDITION". Like um excuse me what??? AND my boss said he wants me going to at least one comedy show, improv show, or theatre production every week so I can report back with my opinions on fresh talent. And he's going to fund it all. Like, if this isn't perfection I don't know what is (knock on wood).

Above everything, I just love working at Disney. Aside from it being a huge household name, it's a company that really aims to inspire and provide happiness to both kids and adults. A lot of the employees in the office have children and it seems like every day there is some sort of young person running around the office laughing. It's one of the greatest things to hear when you're really serious and focused on something you're working on - children's laughter really reminds you to be happy and have a good time.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Cheers to the weekend :)

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